What I'm reading: Longevity treatments at your gym

From a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal

Jeff Zwiefel (left), president of Life Time chain of gyms, inside the newly opened Miora longevity clinic in its Minneapolis gym

What I'm reading: An article from a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal titled, "Waste of Money or Worth It? Longevity Treatments at Your Gym." The article covers a move by several major gym chains into opening longevity clinics, often within actual gym locations.

What’s on offer: Offered longevity treatments include IV vitamin drips, biological-age testing, and peptide injections. Other gyms are now offering in-depth, 50-page health assessments, based on blood tests, and listing health markers, supplement recommendations, and customized diet and exercise advice with a view to longevity.

Not everyone is thrilled: Some experts raise warnings about the effectiveness and even the safety of the longevity treatments offered at gyms. "The bottom line is that there is no strong evidence backing any of these therapies to increase longevity," says Wen Chen at the National Institutes of Health. "You’re at the gym, just work out," says Dr. Steven Novella of the Yale School of Medicine.

Your Longevity Hound's take: New longevity interventions are available, and more are appearing with every passing month. Not all will pan out, but some will.

There's no doubt that exercise is a powerful aid for longevity, but why choose either/or, rather than taking advantage of everything that can help you live longer and healthier? In other words, I'm personally all for the popularization of longevity and longevity interventions, including at gyms.

Buyer beware: This is not an invitation to rush out blindly. Vet any treatment you're considering getting, and vet the clinic (or gym) that's offering it. The good news is, the more people become interested in longevity treatments, the sooner we will have information on which ones work, which ones don’t, and who to trust as a provider.